Personal details
Address Details
Health Details
UAE Residency for Non-Locals
Contact person in case of emergency
Kind of Support Requested from FOCP
Attachments Needed to Open a File
Please note that the application file will be reviewed only after all required documents have been submitted. If any documents are missing, the application file will not be accepted.
I understand that any support for treatment in the UAE or abroad will take some time to process.
(Please note that FOCP will need to contact the relevant organization to coordinate the money transfer process to the hospital abroad, as all funds must be transferred through the UAE embassy in that country).
I am obligated to inform the charity of any changes in my current status and to submit any necessary documents if required.
I pledge that all details submitted are accurate, and I accept full responsibility for any legal consequences if they are found otherwise.
I understand that the file will undergo a review process, which may take a period of time, and that FOCP is not obligated to provide any justification to applicants if the application is rejected.
I would like to be invited to participate in FOCP events and added to the WhatsApp group.