FOCP Extends ANA Initiative to Promote Childhood Cancer Awareness at Sharjah Children Reading Festival - FOCP

FOCP Extends ANA Initiative to Promote Childhood Cancer Awareness at Sharjah Children Reading Festival

  • By Community Engagement
  • June 10, 2024
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FOCP Extends ANA Initiative to Promote Childhood Cancer Awareness at Sharjah Children Reading Festival

In a heartwarming display of dedication to childhood cancer awareness Friends Of Cancer Patient (FOCP) extended the impact of their ANA initiative at the Health Promotion Department section in the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah pavilion during the 15th annual Sharjah Children Reading Festival SCRF currently taking place in Expo Centre Sharjah FOCP orchestrated a special session headed by Mariam Al Harmoodi Head of Community Engagement at FOCP The session was geared towards educating young attendees about the main symptoms of childhood cancer and ways to prevent it through a healthy lifestyle and diet As part of their awareness outreach efforts FOCP distributed ANA Goodie bags containing a copy of Salha Ghabesh Arabic book Raheek al Ward to the children in addition to an awareness brochure by FOCP Ana initiative ensuring they took home valuable information and resources Mariam Al Harmoodi engaged the children with interactive flashcards illustrating the seven symptoms of childhood cancer fostering awareness and understanding among the young audience Commenting on FOCP participation Al Harmoodi said We believe that knowledge is a formidable tool in combating childhood cancer By educating the young minds at this year Sharjah Children Reading Festival we are empowering the next generation to be vigilant and proactive in keeping cancer at bay and to bravely fight it if they are diagnosed Every child deserves a chance at a healthy vibrant future and through initiatives like ANA we are committed to making that a reality.

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