SIOP is the only global multidisciplinary society entirely devoted to paediatric and adolescent cancer.
The society has over 1000 members worldwide including doctors, nurses, other health-care professionals, scientists and researchers. Our members are dedicated to increasing knowledge about all aspects of childhood cancer.
SIOP’s vision is that no child should die of cancer and that cure can be achieved with no or minimal late effects.
- By advocating globally on behalf of patients and families to ensure that every child and adolescent with cancer has access to state of the art diagnosis, treatment and care
- By providing training opportunities for all childhood and adolescent cancer care providers worldwide on the latest clinical and scientific advances through meetings, networking, and educational outreach for continuing professional development
- By promoting and advancing basic, clinical, and other research, and by supporting collaborative opportunities and translating scientific discovery to improve the outcomes for children and adolescents with cancer
- By supporting those caring for children and adolescents with cancer and to provide them with the best curative and palliative therapies
- By advocating appropriate long-term follow-up for survivors
Objectives & Goals
- To advocate globally for children with cancer and their families
- To promote the participation of young professionals in SIOP activities and to encourage them to become members
- To improve SIOP’s visibility and to improve internal and external communications
- To focus attention on future research needs in paediatric oncology
- To explore possible partnerships with sister societies sharing the same mission and vision, and elaborating a common agenda
- To increase the SIOP membership to have a vibrant society which understands and fulfils the needs of its members